Retail Lockers | VMK International
Retail Lockers

Clutter-Free Storage Solutions for Retail Environments

Where to put all these things is a very important part of running a retail environment well. Such a setting can be complemented by our smart retail lockers, which enable workers to keep their personal belongings safe and tidy. away from the line of sight. Our storage solutions are designed with you in mind. and they can be customized for any environment.These smart retail lockers come in many colors and finishes, made using the latest technology and most durable materials. If you need secure, safe, and confidential storage, then VMK’s smart retail lockers are perfect for you.

Retail Lockers

Customized lockers for every single retail setting

The retail environment is a place where space is quite hard to come by. This is why we will collaborate with you in order to create intelligent retail lockers that fit well into your available space. We’re adept at making creative use of space and have a reputation for designing cutting-edge concepts where other storage locker manufacturers have not been successful. Thereby, the new lockers do not require more room than what you can spare or encroach on spaces necessary to be vacant for clients, personnel, and displays of goods.

Retail Lockers | VMK International

Benefits and Features of Retail Lockers

• Post Covid-19 concerns about touchless utilization and control are met in this locker.
• No-touch locker entry is possible via a building access card or the mobile app.
• Booking can be done easily through the app.
• Distancing ourselves socially by allocating lockers which are apart from one another, thus protecting people and assisting in stopping viral spread.
• Shut down lockers for cleaning. Inform your housekeeping team.
• We may also make your storage out of material that has antibacterial properties to reduce risks of transmission further.
• Manage storage across multiple hospital sites remotely using our software for locker management.
• Our software and mobile application can integrate with your current/new platforms or workplace apps.
• The direction of locker assignment can be set initially then modified later on.
• Reminders can ensure effective use of only a few lockers.